Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm so excited because tomorrow is Thansgiving/my birthday! To top things off, my favorite holiday will be spent with my cousins from Ohio who I only get to see twice a year. I'm flipping out for Thanksgiving, I can't wait for it to come! By the way, chapter 43 of My Alphabetical Uglacy is now out, so go over and read at The Sims 3 website and leave your vote for the generation 6/F heir! Also, here's a little preview of the Ashleys trip to Al Simhara, Egypt:

I have to admit that I've missed playing World Adventures and that this trip is quite fun!


  1. If I can't tell you tomorrow then I'll tell you today....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Dreeeeewwww....Happy birthday to you!

  2. Glad you feel that for future reference my birthday is August 15th .

    Make a note of that ;) Lol

  3. You'll only have to remind me one billion more times!!! ;-)

  4. I will >:) When the time comes, you'll know
